The basketball-related content and materials (including, but not limited to photos, text, images, colors and logos) contained within the Basketball Jersey Database are the intellectual property of the NBA and its member teams.
The National Basketball Association (“NBA”) name and logo and the names and logos of and the NBA teams are the property of NBA Properties, Inc. and the member teams of the NBA. All other trademarks, logos and service marks (collectively, the “Trademarks”) appearing on the Site are Trademarks of their respective owners.
Chris Creamer’s
A classic website and the inspiration for this one. It showcases the Logo/Jersey histories of teams from all kinds of sports.
Provides game to game coverage that can help pinpoint the proper dates on when the jerseys were worn. These are especially useful for jerseys worn in the year 2000 to present.
Hal15Greer and other NBA YouTube Historians
They serve the same purpose as Getty Images and can be a much better source, although much rarer.
This is used to cross reference Getty Images and YouTube videos to make sure the dates in the description are accurate.
The ultimate source for Sports Colors. Each jersey here takes from the color palette indicated by TruColor except when specifically called out by super fans.
A lot of corrections and comments have been very helpful to keep this database alive and evolving! So if you see something that needs to be fixed, don't hesitate and contact us.